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ISOWARE release note

Version 16.0.0


Improvements and new features

This version of ISOWARE contains improvements that provide a better and more efficient user experience of the report tool.

Easier editing of report templates

Creation of report fields has been changed, so fields can now be dragged and dropped on the desired position from the new field selector, which is located to the left of the template:

Editing settings for sections and fields now no longer takes place on a new page, but on the right side of the screen, so the template is always visible:

Freer positioning of fields in report templates

Report sections can now be divided into one or more subsections where each subsection can be divided into one or more columns. Column widths in subsections can be adjusted by dragging the columns with the mouse. Subsections are added by selecting Add subsection in the section where the subsection is to be added:

Using subsections provides more options for placing report fields, since in the same section there can be report fields that stand below each other, as well as report fields that stand next to each other:

The fixed fields, ID, Status, Closed by, Date closed, Associated with report, Associated to project, Associated to task and Responsible are now all visible in the report template and can be optionally placed or disabled:

Fields label can now be placed to the left of the field, above the field or omitted:

Report Log

All reports are now associated with a log, which shows which changes have been made, as well as who has made them. The log can be opened in the report's toolbar by clicking on Log. Changes in the reports will be logged from the date the update to version 16.0.0 is made. Changes made before this date will not be available.

Sharing report data

It is now possible to share the result of a report search with the outside world in the form of a link. The link is created by right-clicking on the search to be shared and selecting Share. Then click the Create Link button. A link is now generated which can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the Copy link button. The link can be used to retrieve the result of the search as an Excel file. As an example, the link can be used as a data source in Power BI. Each time the link is activated, e.g. by updating the data source in Power BI, a new search will be made, so fresh data is always available. The share can be removed again by clicking the Remove link button.

Bug fixes

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